Welcome to the Nassau Community College Outdoor Club(On mobile devices this page is best viewed in landscape (horizontal) orientation.)We go outdoors; hiking, camping, canoeing, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, snowshoeing, and more. Our trips are on weekends or during school vacations, single days or the whole weekend depending on the trip and the people going on it. Most of our trips are to nearby upstate New York and New Jersey but we go as far as New Hampshire and Maine occasionally. All students prepared to participate are welcome; all of the costs are reasonable with no charges for hikes. We have recently changed our name to the more descriptive "Outdoor Club" from the "Outing Club" so there may be some old links still around (including campuslabs) using the old name. If you can't make the meetings and want to go on any trip, contact the person indicated in the description on our Trip Listings page for details of meeting time and place, what to bring, etc. Subscribe to the e-mail notification service by using the box at the lower left. This Club is sponsored with student activities funds through the Student Government Association (SGA) and Faculty-Student Association (FSA). |
to bring hiking (including info.on boots) Lyme Disease (Ticks) Info Backcountry Safety Facebook: facebook.com /groups/nccoutdoor Summer job announcements Most Recent pictures (We're way behind in posting; try facebook page, above.) Harriman Pk Trail Maint 10/26/13 Harriman Park, 7/7/13 Bear Mountain 1/5/13 pictures of T-shirt & office Trip Listings and pictures: Main
Nassau Comm.Coll. website:
www.ncc.edu Intercollegiate
Outing Link to other Outdoor Info: updated 9/8/24; corrections, etc: contact Webmaster (at) nccoutdoor.org. |
person meetings every
Thursday at 11:30AM in room
B-217 [Our office in the
Student Union is closed because the
Student Union is still being
renovated.] On Line (Zoom) meetings when school is closed . Link for zoom meeting: https://bit.ly/NCCOCmeeting. We have permission for outdoor activities with vaccinated participants and proper social distancing, conditions permitting. |
planned (click on trip for
more information)
2023 Contacts:
Background photo: Shwangunks, Winter Sun over Dickie Barre, Copyright © 1999 G. Steve Jordan Photography; https://www.mohonkimages.com/ |
on the various trip web pages are
all copyright by their respective
photographers and may not be
reproduced in any way without
permission. What's with (at)? To prevent robots from harvesting e-mail addresses, we use (at) instead of @. If you are writing out the address in an e-mail, you should use @ with no spaces. |